Mass Times:

Saturday 5 p.m.

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.

Daily Mass  Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.

705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa

(319)  266-3523

Realm Parish Database

Realm Parish Database

What is Realm?

Realm is our secure online tool for staff, members, and regular attendees of St. Patrick Parish. Features include: 

  • A secure database for office use
  • Online church directory with photos
  • Tools for parish-wide and ministry group communication
  • Secure access to your personal giving history

We need you to log in to Realm! You should have received your personal invitation via the email you have on file with the parish. If you did not accept the original invitation and are now ready to use Realm, call the Parish Office to confirm your email address and receive a new link. Use the link in that email and this handy Realm log-in guide (button below) to log in. The guide has step-by-step instructions, details on security, and more. We ask that you log in, create a password for future use, and verify your contact information. Opting in for the directory and uploading a family/individual photo will help staff and parishioners put a name with your face!

Note: When you log in, you should find yourself in the database. If you do not see your information, stop and call the parish office at 319-266-3523. Entering your name and address yourself will create a duplicate entry staff will have to fix. 

Realm log-in guide


When you've given it a try and all else fails, call the Parish Office for help at 319-266-3523.



For best results, keep your browser updated to the latest version. We recommend the following internet browsers. Are you using the latest browser? Click the Button below fo Go to to find out.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari

Realm no longer works with IE (Internet Explorer).

Operating Systems:

Some older operating systems cannot use the latest browser versions. If your operating system cannot use the latest version of your browser, update the operating system first. This will not only give you access to the best features in Realm, but will help ensure your security on the Internet. Out-of-date operating systems and browsers are far more vulnerable to attacks.

What's My Browser


Use our App:

Realm's best mobile experience comes from using our app.

You can download the Realm Connect app from the iTunes app store or on Google Play.

Some of Realm's larger features require the workspace of a full monitor and will not work on a mobile device.

Get Our Realm App
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